Thursday, September 19, 2013


I have a question. I would like to know how women are expected to do it all. How is it at all possible?! I am feeling so overwhelmed and fed up with this nonsense! I am expected to 

•Cook/Eat Healthy 
•Work Full Time 
•Training Classes (For Work)
•Take care of a Baby Full Time
•Visiting Teach 
•Scripture Study
•Keep a Clean House 

This is not mentioning the things that I would like to do or appts such as 

•Going back to School (College) 
•Dr's/Dentist Appts 
•Beauty Regimines (Me Time)
•Develop a hobbie, talent, or skill
•Enjoy time with my husband.

I am having such a hard time I feel like I can't do it. I'm being stretched in so many ways that I can't hit anything 100% and it's driving me crazy. I feel like I can't enjoy my baby or my husband because I'm trying so hard to get it all done. I don't know what to do...if anybody can, help. 

For those of you doing it I give you props. Good job! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nostalgia & The Married Life

For the past couple of days I feel like I have been bi-polar! It was my weekend so I try and get done the usual dishes, laundry, clean the kitchen, mow the lawn and pull weeds. Usually everything goes pretty smoothly Ava lets me sneak away to get my chores done and then tanner comes home and everything is good! Both Monday and Tuesday I had an emotional break down because my sweet baby was being a complete tool! 
She woke up crying (not typical) and then ate her bottle and then basically cried the rest of the day as well. I wasn't able to put her down, or look away for more than  2 seconds. When I had to put her down to go to the bathroom she SCREAMED & CRIED so all day went like that... When tanner finally got home I was very upset and in tears. Tan was sweet to me and took care of Ava and then took me over to San Tan mall where I bought two Victorias Secret bras (which are the most expensive bras ever but they actually fit, for once!) my mood was reversed! A happy Laken had appeared once again!  So Tuesday I tried once again to get my chores done Ava again cries and screams all day long. Again I am very upset and basically wanna punch my sweet baby in the face. I don't of course because I love miss Ava but she is on my last nerves! She wouldn't take a nap or entertain herself at all. She wouldn't even eat a bottle or solids without acting like it was the end of the world! After tanner got home from work we dropped off Ava to her nana and papas house for a little alone time. When we went back to pick her up Emma and papa were saying that Ava wasn't acting like herself and that she was being cuddly. Cuddly sounds nice but I think it was their way of saying needy...and she usually doesn't like to be at all... She likes to be down and explore. Anyways I feel like I have had a rough couple of days. I found myself thinking that I miss being single and not having responsibility. I didn't have to please a husband or take care of a baby. Things were so much easier and let's face it so much more pleasant. Anyways rant over. I have a cute baby and a wonderful husband I should be thankful. I love them so SO much! Maybe I'm just in a funk? Things will get better :)