Thursday, September 19, 2013


I have a question. I would like to know how women are expected to do it all. How is it at all possible?! I am feeling so overwhelmed and fed up with this nonsense! I am expected to 

•Cook/Eat Healthy 
•Work Full Time 
•Training Classes (For Work)
•Take care of a Baby Full Time
•Visiting Teach 
•Scripture Study
•Keep a Clean House 

This is not mentioning the things that I would like to do or appts such as 

•Going back to School (College) 
•Dr's/Dentist Appts 
•Beauty Regimines (Me Time)
•Develop a hobbie, talent, or skill
•Enjoy time with my husband.

I am having such a hard time I feel like I can't do it. I'm being stretched in so many ways that I can't hit anything 100% and it's driving me crazy. I feel like I can't enjoy my baby or my husband because I'm trying so hard to get it all done. I don't know what to do...if anybody can, help. 

For those of you doing it I give you props. Good job! 

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