Saturday, December 15, 2012

Anna Banana!

Day Number Three: A Picture of my craziest friend and naturally, a story!

My best friend Roxanne Melissa Leos, better known as Anna banana, sissy Anna, roxy...and I'm sure a few more I can't think of! Anyways she is my FAVORITE! And also happens to be the craziest! (possibly corelated!) anyways the first night we like actually hung out was I believe the night before we left for the Disney cruise Megan fell asleep and Anna and I were so excited! We stayed up all night and made prank phone calls, listened to music, and made playlists! (for the drive...) I remember having the best night. Actually we took a picture during the car ride (both in white shirts!) if I can find it I will totally post it! Anyways I also remember the first time I fully sang a song with a curse word, papa roach ha ha. Anna has always been there for me. She is one of the people I can not talk to for a couple months and then pick up the home and it's like no time has gone by. She is getting married soon too! Craziness! Mr Ray Hoover better be good to you lady, you deserve nothing but the best! Love you Anna banana! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Earth Day

Alright!! Successfully made it to my second entry, friggin awesome! So Here is day twos challenge

DAY TWO:  A Memory

Hmm a memory... Earth Day April 22, 2011 :) Tanner and I had been hanging out for a little bit and on this particular evening we decided it would be fun to go up to Payson and be close to nature! We had bought several wild flower packets and spread then up through the trees and in particular places that "we knew we would be able to find again" turns out that when we tried to come back later on there was no way we would be able to find it again. Ha.ha. Oh well. I also remember it was REALLY COLD while we were up there. This was also the night Tanner bought me my first sweater, Wal-Mart Baby!! :) On the way back into town we had a rather deep conversation about life and personality s  our achievements and goals. I really got a good look at Tanner that night and the kind of person he is and wants to become. He really is an amazing person, the most wonderful person I've ever met :)

Payson, Arizona Wild Flowers/ Earth Day 2011

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Starting Point

So why I started a blog, I thought it might work better than trying to keep a journal. I want to be able to remember what went on in my life when I am an old lady! I've tried the whole journal thing SEVERAL times and cant really seem to get past the introduction entrys... they all start out saying

First entry:
"We just had a really good lesson on Journaling and how we need to keep a record of our life for our posterity so here it goes!"

7 months later...
"So much has happened since last time I have written!"


So anyways we will see how this whole blog thing works out. Well a little bit about me! I'm 21 years old. I work for The Sheriffs Office as a detention officer. I am married to the most amazing guy ever (Tanner Dearest) for a little over a year now, and I am pregnant with my first baby! (Ava Lane). So I'm going to Copy cat debilouwho('s) first post and hopefully it will give me more ideas and the inspiration to continue blogging! 

Day one is: "A recent photo of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself"

1. I work as a Detention Officer at Durango Jail. 
2. My husbands family helped me develop a love for Disney :]
3. Camping is seriously my favorite thing ever!
4. I have 10 people in my family 5 sisters, 2 brothers. Its the best!
5. I am Mormon.
6. I completed cosmetology school by the time I graduated high school.
7. I have lived in at least 11 houses in my 21 years of life.
8. My favorite movie is Charly.
9. I love music any and all kinds.
10. I'm addicted to candles and incense, its kind of a problem...
11. Reading a good book is a favorite past time of mine.
12. I have the philosophy that if you haven't adopted something from a friend (an idea, saying, talent, or something of the sort, your missing out. Everyone has something to give, and something to learn.
13. I enjoy clean, and I love that I have a husband that encourages and appreciates it.
14. I love my In-Laws as much as my First Family. 
15. I am incredibly blessed that I was able to marry in the Mesa AZ Temple and that my family will be together forever <3