Saturday, December 15, 2012

Anna Banana!

Day Number Three: A Picture of my craziest friend and naturally, a story!

My best friend Roxanne Melissa Leos, better known as Anna banana, sissy Anna, roxy...and I'm sure a few more I can't think of! Anyways she is my FAVORITE! And also happens to be the craziest! (possibly corelated!) anyways the first night we like actually hung out was I believe the night before we left for the Disney cruise Megan fell asleep and Anna and I were so excited! We stayed up all night and made prank phone calls, listened to music, and made playlists! (for the drive...) I remember having the best night. Actually we took a picture during the car ride (both in white shirts!) if I can find it I will totally post it! Anyways I also remember the first time I fully sang a song with a curse word, papa roach ha ha. Anna has always been there for me. She is one of the people I can not talk to for a couple months and then pick up the home and it's like no time has gone by. She is getting married soon too! Craziness! Mr Ray Hoover better be good to you lady, you deserve nothing but the best! Love you Anna banana! 

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