Friday, August 16, 2013

Post Laparoscopic Gallbladder Removal; Cholecystectomy

So I had my surgery. I was so nervous but I had an excellent anesthesiologist and didn't remember a thing past 
Anesthesiologist "There we go you won't remember a thing past this."
Nurse #2 "It's too late to give her a kiss now she won't remember!"
I remember cracking up laughing, uncontrollably.. And that's it! Waking up was another story... I was so groggy and just out of it. I remember jumping up and feeling like I needed to be awake and the nurse would say "Are you nauseous?" and I would say yes. Then she would give me medicine to help and I would go back to sleep! My surgery happened at 1 pm and I was totally out of it until 7. The next couple of days were a hot mess...I was still hurting so So bad and every time I would drink or eat anything I would feel nauseous and severe cramping. By I think the 3rd day (Saturday) I was in so much pain I that I couldn't sleep despite the 2 oxycodone, 3ibuprofen   and 1 nausea pill. I asked tanner of he would be willing to give me a priesthood blessing. He called over Carl (my brother in-law) and they gave me a blessing. Mind you it was 1030 at night i was glad he came over! I waited it out for a bit and the pain wasn't improving at all. We finally decided it was time to go to the hospital. Emergency room here we come! So we are there and the pain is totally subsiding. I feel so stupid but a few hours later they admit me saying my white blood cell count was super low. Come to find out I've been dealing with a complication! A bile leak.  Yuck! So anyways I had another surgery where they sucked out the bile and placed a stent (or maybe stint?)...whatever! I had to were this nasty drain on my side too. Anyways I feel so much better now! And in six weeks I will have the stent removed. Heeey! Back to my usual self. Yea yeah! After this big ordeal I think I will avoid surgery for a while...fingers crossed! 

(Just in case your curious here is so info on the surgery and its complications.)

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